Connection to the people is one of the most important aspects of what I do, and when i'm on stage, I feel as though i'm closer to them than ever.” - Trey Furman

It is safe to say that performing is Trey's favorite thing about doing what he loves to do. Seeing a creation start from within, and be turned into something global is beautiful, and Trey is always taken aback by the process of it all. He has opened up for Montana of 300, and Jonny Craig, and he loved every minute of being on stage. Being that he has had severe stage fright for all of his life, Trey points out that only God could give him such courage to perform in front of hundreds and thousands of people and love it! For motivation, Trey always looks back on Michael Jackson and his performance at Motown's 25th anniversary. The atmosphere was magical, and it was at this televised special where he performed the moonwalk for the first time ever. Trey has stated that his favorite shows are the ones where the fans play a larger role than just being the crowd. He lives for connection and involvement!

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